Time to clean up!

I have grown ashamed of my bookshelves. My four bookshelves have become a catch all of disorganized books, baby toys and just STUFF. It makes it hard to find things and gives a huge, cluttered, feel to that corner of the room. So I've spent 3 hours removing clutter, dusting and reorganizing my beloved shelves.

My first bookshelf was supposed to be my shelves for series. My Tamora Pierce, my Sherrilyn Kenyon, J. D . Ward, etc. But it is the closest to Gavin's two toy boxes that it becomes kind of an overflow storage. Also, there was a bunch of random junk on top of it. Although, I didn't take the time to put the series in order, they are at least neatened up. Although, I plan on buying the two new J. D. Ward books this year, so I might have to reorganize. #firstworldproblems

This tiny shelf was supposed to be a nik-nak shelf, as you can see by the random crap and the lack of books. But it looked too messy so I turned it into Gavin's second bookshelf (he has one in his bedroom too). His overflowing toy boxes thanked me!

The third, and biggest, shelves were supposed to be photo albums, my altar, stand alone books, and at the bottom, journals and work stuff. But after the remodel (an embarrassingly long time ago), I never got around to unboxing my altar. And one of the shelves fell, most likely from a cat jumping on it. So, I fixed the shelf, got rid of work stuff I didn't need, and put photos in the albums instead of next to them in a pile.

The last shelf was another series shelf. But I had also been stacking TBR books on the top shelf. So I reorganized the series and put the TBRs inside the horse bookends that I had holding my cookbooks in the kitchen. I think they look better out here anyways. And now I have plenty of room for more books!
Obviously, I didn't have a book hoarding problem, I had an organizational problem! Time to buy more books!
I feel so much better with my books organized! Even though I didn't order them by color, personal importance, or by age like some people, I'm just happy they are neat.
What about you? How are your books organized? Or are they not organized at all?