2018 Popsugar Reading Challenge

It’s that time of year again! When you’re furiously writing out your lists and checking them twice. Of course I mean that Popsugar has released their 2018 Reading Challenge!
Last year was my first year participating in the challenge. I was enthusiastic about it because I was stuck in a reading rut. I was really into steampunk fiction (i.e ALL of Gail Carriger’s books). Having the reading challenge helped me out of that rut and stretched my reading into new genres. I never would have picked up The Fireman by Joe Hill, and I would have missed out, it was AMAZING!
I’ve spent that last few days going over each new prompt and searching for the perfect book. This year I’m trying to pull as many books out of my TBR list as possible. I need an excuse to whittle that list down.
My other requisite is that the book is either available at my library or is on Kindle Unlimited. (A future post will be showing you how unorganized my real bookshelf is and why I don’t need any new books until I get that mess straightened out!)
Here are the first 20 prompts and the books I have chosen to fill them. Keep an eye out for my Part 2 and Part 3: The Advanced List!

A books made into a movie that you've already seen
By: Michael Lewis
I love Sandra Bullock in just about anything and I adored her in The Blind Side. She’s perfect as the sassy and caring mom. I’m hoping the book is just as heartwarming.
True Crime
By: Tanya Thompson
I put this on my TBR list back in September 2016. It’s a true story about how a 15 year old girl posed as a countess and had run ins with the FBI, Interpol and the Mafia. I’m glad that I get an excuse to read it!
The next book in a series that you've started
By: Terry Pratchett
Last year I planned my reading challenge so the last book I would read was the second Game of Thrones book, so I could have a reason to read the whole series. This year I plan to do the same with Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Series. The Light Fantastic is the second book, and I will be reading the first, The Color of Magic, for another prompt.
A book involving a heist
By: Andy Weir
I really enjoyed The Martian by Andy Weir and am looking forward to his newest book, Artemis. I hope he carries over his dry humor. It should be an interesting read, it’s about a heist in space!

Nordic noir
By: Jo Nesbø
I had to look this term up. The Goodreads Listopia defines it as: Dark, gritty mysteries with a Scandinavian setting. Number one on that list was A Girl With A Dragon Tattoo. And each time that I had read the blurb for it, it really has never struck a chord with me. One of the popular authors, Jo Nesbo, had A LOT of books but most were series. So I finally chose one of his stand alones, The Son. It’s certainly not my usual read so I hope it’s good!
A novel based on a real person
By: Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich
I first read the blurb about this book in Real Simple Magazine. It looked like an interesting fiction, but didn’t jump out at me. When I was looking for a book for this prompt, it came up again. I didn’t realize that this was listed as a true crime and an autobiographical novel. Now the book looks fascinating!
A book set in a country that fascinates you
By: J. Maarten Troost
It's not so much that Tarawa fascinates me, it's any island living. I also really enjoy humorous travel books, like Bill Bryson. I hope Troost has the similar dry humor. It seems like it, by the title.
A book with a time of day in the title
By: Livia Blackburne
When nothing on my TBR list filled this prompt, I went to Listopia. I found Midnight Thief there. I figured that I needed a break from some of the more engaging books on my list, and that I would need a YA break. I enjoy YA, they are usually quick reads that I don’t have to intuit hidden plot lines.
A book about a villain or antihero
By: J.R. Ward
This book is an exception of my library-only rule. I have the entire series and have been looking forward to the newest installment of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Even better, The Chosen fits the villain prompt perfectly! It’s about Xcor, the leader of the Band of Bastards. He has been convicted of treason against The Blind King and faces death for his attacks against the Brotherhood. I can’t wait!
A book about death or grief
By: John Marrs
John Marrs is the biggest celebrity in my book club on FaceBook. Recently, two of his books have arrived in Kindle Unlimited. The Good Samaritan is about a suicide hotline volunteer that doesn’t help the people who call, she wants them to die. Again, not my usual genre, but I want to see what makes John Marrs so amazing.

A book by a female author who uses a male pseudonym
By: Robert Galbraith
Robert Galbraith is best known as J.K. Rowling. In a large leap away from the Harry Potter world, J.K. Rowling writes a murder mystery / detective story. I look forward to seeing how her writing flows in a crime setting.
A book with an LBGTQ+ protagonist
By: Steven Rowley
Ted Flask is a gay man with no much going for him. Except his dog Lily, and Lily is battling a cancerous tumor, which Ted names The Octopus. I have a feeling that this book is going to end with me in tears.
A book that is also a stage play or musical
By: Amanda Brown
Did you know Legally Blond is a Broadway Musical? I didn’t until this prompt. I had a feeling that this prompt was leaning more towards Hamilton, but I think we all have a little bit of ditzy, tenacious, Elle Woods in us. I just hope the book is as good than the movie.(Or better, it can be better, but it must not be worse than the movie. There is no worse let down than having a movie be better than a book.)
A book by an author of a different ethnicity than you
By: Mindy Kaling
Mindy Kaling is my spirit animal. I swear she Tweets what is in my soul. Example:
When I wear those trendy sports bras with a million straps I get stuck in them like a seagull in a six pack ring
I’m looking forward to reading her essays about her life and observations.
A book about feminism
By: Marion Zimmer Bradley
I was supposed to read it for last year’s challenge (A book over 800 pages) but I chose a Game of Thrones book for that. I love retellings of fairy tales and myths and I’m hoping that this retelling of King Arthur from the female perspective is interesting enough to keep me for all of the 876 pages.
A book about mental health
By: Francesca Zappia
Looking through my TBR list, I found that I had a lot of books about physical or mental disabilities but none about mental health. I remedied that by adding Made You Up. What really drew me in was:
Armed with a take-no-prisoners attitude, her camera, a Magic 8-Ball, and her only ally (her little sister), Alex wages a war against her schizophrenia, determined to stay sane long enough to get into college.
A book that you borrowed or was given to you as a gift
I don’t know what book this is going to be yet! But there are books on my Christmas list so hopefully there will be something by Robin Hobb to fill this prompt!
A book by two authors
By: Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan
Because there was nothing on my TBR list, I went to the Ultimate Popsugar Reading Challenge group on Goodreads. They are the best when I’m stuck on a prompt.I don’t typically read something that is listed as a romance, usually I like it to be a subplot. But The Royal We is a romance that came highly recommended. And it will be perfect to read around Prince Harry’s and Meghan Markle’s wedding in May 2018!
A book about or involving a sport
By: Team Funny Cide
I chose horse racing as my sport. Funny Cide is about the underdog team that won two of the Triple Crown races in 2003. I’m not a huge sports fan (I leave that to my husband), but I love horses and used to ride regularly.
A book by a local author
By: Wendy Wax
Wendy Wax is a local Atlanta author and her book is a contemporary fiction, set around a group of friends who come together each week to watch the newest episode of Downton Abbey.